Database Basics

In the journey of being a full-stack developer, it is crucial to understand at least the basics of database management.

So… what’s a database again??

Simply put, it is a place where you store all related information from many sources in an organized structure.

OK…then what is Database Management System(DBMS)??

It is simply a software that helps us interact (store and manage) with the database.

Introduction to Database Queries

Using queries, we can access databases. Queries can request data results, perform calculations, and add, change or delete data from databases.

Note: The queries we discuss in this blog will be based on MySQL. The commands might change a bit depending on the type of RDBMS used, but the concept remains the same.

Types of Queries

SQL queries can be classified into:

DDLData Definition Language
DMLData Manipulation Language
DCLData Control Language
TCLTransaction Control Language

Data Definition Language

DDL is used to define the database structure.

createhelps to create objects in the database
alterhelps to alter the structure of database objects
drophelps to drop objects from the database
truncatedeletes all records from the table permanently keeping the structure intact
renamehelps to rename an object

Let’s check the working of each of the DDL commands:

  1. create
    • let’s see how to create a database using the create command
      create database database_name;
    • now let’s create a table in the database
      create table table_name(
      attribute1 datatype,
      attribute2 datatype);
  2. alter
    • let’s add a column to an existing table
      alter table table_name add column column_name datatype;
    • let’s change the datatype of a column in a table
      alter table table_name modify column column_name datatype;
    • let’s rename the table
      alter table table_name rename to new_tabe_name;
    • let’s rename a column in the table
      alter table table_name rename column column_name to new_column_name;
    • Let’s drop a column in the table
      alter table table_name drop column column_name;
  3. drop
    • let’s drop a table from the database
      drop table table_name;
    • let’s drop the database
      drop database database_name;
  4. truncate
    • it deletes the data from the database
      truncate table table_name;
  5. rename
    • let’s rename a table
      rename table table_name to new_table_name;

Data Manipulation Language

DML can be used to manipulate data in tables.

inserthelps to insert data into a table
updatehelps to update existing data within a table
deletehelps to delete unwanted records/all records from a table

Let’s check the working of each of the DDL commands:

  1. insert
    let’s see how to insert values into a table
    insert into table_name(attribute1,attribute2) values(value1,value2);
  2. update
    let’s update the value of a column to value2 which was previously value1
    update table_name set column_name=value2 where column_name=value1;
  3. delete
    • let’s delete specific rows from a table
      delete from table_name where column_name=value;
    • let’s delete all content in the table but still maintain its structure
      delete from table_name;

Data Control Language

DML is used to grant or revoke access.

granthelps to give users access privileges to the database
revokehelps to revoke access privileges from users

Transaction Control Language

TCL commands are used to maintain the consistency of databases.

commithelps to save data permanently
rollbackhelps to restore data to the last savepoint or last commit
savepointhelps to save data at a particular point temporarily

Summing up…

In this blog, we have discussed the basics of Databases.
In the coming blogs, I’ll be discussing more advanced concepts of Databases and how to connect Databases to Java applications using JDBC and Hibernate.
If Databases interest you and you want to pursue a professional certification for Databases you can refer to this course by Udacity.

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